Johny Darkmovie Template

johny darkmovie


Johny Darkmovie is another free blogger template from Creating Website with elegant black style blogger template for movies content blog with auto recent per category. This template design with an automatic image slider category, 3/4 column blogger template with right sidebar, 3 column footer, magazine black elegant style blogspot template, featured content slider, ads ready, pagination for blogger ready, dropdown menu, clean design template, and more. But you can used this template for any content just as like you wanted blog with daily updates

Template Name : Johny Darkmovie
Author : Maskolis
Url Instruction : Creating Website
Designer : Creating Website
Url Designer :


Johny Darkfire Template

This template names Johny Darkfire because the basic black and a little extra yellow light like a flame to the look. The features on this template similar to the template Johny Darkgamer only slider I replace the automatic carousel slider that allows you to display the post on the slider.

johny darkfire


Johny Darkfire is a free blogger template with elegant black style blogger template for any content blog with auto recent per category. This template design with an automatic image slider feature, 4 column blogger template with right sidebar, 3 column footer, elegant style blogspot template, featured content slider, ads ready, pagination for blogger ready, dropdown menu, clean design template, and more. This template designed for any content just as like you wanted blog with daily updates

Template Name : Johny Darkfire
Author : Maskolis
Url Instruction : Creating Website
Designer : Creating Website
Url Designer :


Johny Magazine 2

For those who like the darker colors, especially black, I am providing another template for you. This template names Johny Magazine 2, Darkmatter Template For Your Site. As its name suggests this template further than the first version of Johnny Magzine on previous versions of the header and footer only are black, but this version of the post body all black

johny magazine 2


Free Johny Magazine 2 blogger template is magazine style blogger template for portal news blog with auto recent per category with dark color background. It's a 2/3 column blogger template with right sidebar, 3 column footer, magazine style blogspot template, featured content slider, accordion style, ads ready, pagination for blogger ready, news ticker ready, dropdown menu, and more. This template designed for portal news blog with daily updates

Template Name : Johny Magazine 2
Author : Maskolis
Url Instruction : Creating Website
Designer : Creating Website
Url Designer :


Mas Paper Template

mas paper template


Mas Paper is a free blogger template with magazine style blogger template for portal news blog with auto recent per category. This template comes with an automatic image slider feature, 2/3 column blogger template with right sidebar, 3 column footer, magazine style blogspot template, featured content slider, tabber sidebar ready, ads ready, pagination for blogger ready, dropdown menu, newsticker ready, clean design template, and more. This template designed for portal news blog with daily updates

Template Name : Mas Paper
Author : Maskolis
Url Instruction : Creating Website
Designer : Creating Website
Url Designer :

Johny Simple Music Template

johny simple music


Free Johny Simple Music blogger template is magazine style blogger template for music blog with black color background. It's a blogger template with right sidebar, 3 column footer, magazine style blogspot template, featured content slider, pagination for blogger ready, dropdown menu, breadcrumb navigation ready, and more. This template designed for music reviews and info blogs

Template Name : Johny Simple Music
Author : Maskolis
Url Author : Creating Website
Designer : Creating Website
Url Designer :


Johny Portal 2

johny portal 2


Free Johny Portal 2 blogger template is another version of Johny Portal blogger template for portal news blog with auto recent per category. It's a 2/3 column blogger template with right sidebar, 3 column footer, magazine style blogspot template, featured content slider, ads ready, pagination for blogger ready, dropdown menu, and more. This template designed for portal news blog with daily updates

Template Name : Johny Portal 2
Author : Maskolis
Url Instruction : Creating Website
Designer : Creating Website
Url Designer :


Johny Darkgamer Template

This time I am providing another template for gamers mania. This template names Johny Darkgamer, according to the color black and yellow little orange to make some amazing. view This was very simple template feature, under the header I put the carousel slider on the sidebar there is a live set of four tabber widget that you want to display there.

Here is a screenshot view of the template Johny Darkgamer (click to enlarge):
Home Page

johny darkgamer


johny darkgamer

This template contains not for the game only, but you can also used this template with another contains, such as news, tutorials, or online store also can be filled up just like what you want. For more detail about this template visit the designer here.


Sporty Magazine 2 Free

Sporty Magazine 2 Free


First step, you have to download Sporty Magazine 2 files. After that, follow the instruction below.

Menu Navigation Dropdown

To set this menu, please go to your HTML stukrut page (no need to expand), then scroll down and find the following code : <div id='menuwrapperpic'> (Notes : for quick search, press the F3 key, type the code above and enter). After this code, you will find menu navigation dropdwon below :

<div id='menuwrapperpic'>
<div id='menuwrapper'>
<ul id='menubar'>
<li class='selected'><a href='/'><img border='0' src='' style='padding:0px;'/></a></li>
<li class='selected'><a href='#'>About Us</a></li>
<li><a class='trigger' href='#'>Contact Us</a>
<li><a href='#'>Herdiansyah Blog</a></li>
<li class='hr'/>
<li><a href='#'>Contact on Facebook</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Contact on Twitter</a></li>
<li class='hr'/>
<li><a href='#'>Free Template Design</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Moto GP</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Football</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Formula 1</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Web Design</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Free Template</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Videos</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Image</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Download</a></li>
<li><a class='trigger' href='#'>More</a>
<li><a href='#'>Editorial</a></li>
<li class='hr'/>
<li><a href='#'>Off Topic</a></li>
<br class='clearit'/>
<div style='clear:both;'/>

Notes : change the code # with your link url address, and name labels with your label or categories.

News Ticker

First step, you have to register your blog to API Google Code and you will see your API code. After that, find this code below on your edit HTML tabs :

<!-- News Ticker -->
<script src=''/>

Notes : replace the blue code, with yourAPI Key.

Next step, you have to change your url link to make it news ticker appear with your latest post. Find this code below on edit HTML tabs.

<div class='newspic'>
<div class='news'>
<div style='float:left;padding:5px 60px 5px 0;font:bold 14px Arial;color:#333;text-transform:none;'>News Update :</div>
<div style='float:left;width:800px;padding:4px 0; position:relative; overflow:hidden;'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var cssfeed=new gfeedrssticker(&quot;example1&quot;, &quot;example1class&quot;, 4000, &quot;_new&quot;)
cssfeed.addFeed(&quot;News Update&quot;, &quot;;) //Specify &quot;label&quot; plus URL to RSS feed
cssfeed.displayoptions(&quot;date&quot;) //show the specified additional fields
cssfeed.setentrycontainer(&quot;div&quot;) //Wrap each entry with a DIV tag
cssfeed.filterfeed(10, &quot;date&quot;) //Show 10 entries, sort by date
</div><div style='clear:both;'/>

Notes : replace the red code, with your site/blog url link.

Featured Slideshow Content

First step, add new html/java script widget on your page. Put this code below :

<div id='featured'>
<ul class='ui-tabs-nav'>

<!-- 1st Small Image -->
<li class='ui-tabs-nav-item ui-tabs-selected' id='nav-fragment-1'><a href='#fragment-1'><img alt="" src="#" /><span>Post Title</span></a></li>

<!-- 2st Small Image -->
<li class='ui-tabs-nav-item' id='nav-fragment-2'><a href='#fragment-2'><img alt="" src="#" /><span>Post Title</span></a></li>

<!-- 3st Small Image -->
<li class='ui-tabs-nav-item' id='nav-fragment-3'><a href='#fragment-3'><img alt="" src="#" /><span>Post Title</span></a></li>

<!-- 4st Small Image -->
<li class='ui-tabs-nav-item' id='nav-fragment-4'><a href='#fragment-4'><img alt="" src="#" /><span>Post Title</span></a></li>

<!-- First Content -->
<div class='ui-tabs-panel' id='fragment-1' style=''>
<img alt="" src="#" />
<div class='info'>
<h2><a href=' your-url-link '>Post Title</a></h2>

<!-- Second Content -->
<div class='ui-tabs-panel ui-tabs-hide' id='fragment-2' style=''>
<img alt="" src="#" />
<div class='info'>
<h2><a href=' your-url-link '>Post Title</a></h2>

<!-- Third Content -->
<div class='ui-tabs-panel ui-tabs-hide' id='fragment-3' style=''>
<img alt="" src="#" />
<div class='info'>
<h2><a href=' your-url-link '>Post Title</a></h2>

<!-- Fourth Content -->
<div class='ui-tabs-panel ui-tabs-hide' id='fragment-4' style=''>
<img alt="" src="#" />
<div class='info'>
<h2><a href='your-url-link'>Post Title</a></h2>

Notes : replace red code (#) with your image url link, orange code (Post Title) with your post title, and blue code (your-url-link) with your url link post.

Featured Label Categories

First step, open your blog page and add new HTML/Java Script widget. Next step, put this code below :

<script type='text/javascript'>var numposts = 3;var showpostthumbnails = true;var displaymore = false;var displayseparator = false;var showcommentnum = false;var showpostdate = false;var showpostsummary = true;var numchars = 60;</script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="/feeds/posts/default/-/Borneo?orderby=updated&alt=json-in-script&callback=labelthumbs"></script>

Notes : Change orange code (3), with number of post will be appear, and red code (Borneo) with your label or categories.

Twitter Widget (Live Updates)

Open your page elements and put this code below with add new HTML/Java Script.

<div style="background:#fff url( no-repeat;padding-top:40px;padding-left:5px">
<script src=""></script>
new TWTR.Widget({
version: 2,
type: 'profile',
rpp: 10,
interval: 3000,
width: 285,
height: 118,
theme: {
shell: {
background: 'transparent',
color: '#000000'
tweets: {
background: 'transparent',
color: '#000000',
links: '#B45F04'
features: {
scrollbar: true,
loop: true,
live: true,
hashtags: true,
timestamp: true,
avatars: false,
behavior: 'default'

Notes : change orange code (borneotemplates) with your twitter username.

Search Widget 

Open your page elements and put this code below with add new HTML/Java Script.

<form name="jksearch" action="" method="get" onsubmit="jksitesearch(this)" target="_blank">

<input id="hiddenquery" type="hidden" name="q" />
<input name="qfront" onfocus="if(this.value==this.defaultValue)this.value=&#39;&#39;;" value="Search on this site..." type="text" onblur="if(this.value==&#39;&#39;)this.value=this.defaultValue;" style="width: 240px;border:none;padding:8px 10px; font:normal 11px arial;color:#666; background:url( no-repeat;" /><input type="image" src="" align="top" value="Search"/>

<div style="font: normal 11px Arial;color:#666;padding:2px 0;">
<input name="se" type="radio" checked /> Google
<input name="se" type="radio" /> Yahoo
<input name="se" type="radio" /> Msn

<script type="text/javascript">

// All-in-one Internal Site Search script- By (
// For this and over 400+ free scripts, visit JavaScript Kit-
// This notice must stay intact for use

//Enter domain of site to search.
var domainroot=""

var searchaction=[ //form action for the 3 search engines

var queryfieldname=["q","p","q"] //name of hidden query form for the 3 search engines

function switchaction(cur, index){
function jksitesearch(curobj){
for (i=0; i<; i++){ //loop through radio to see which is checked
if ([i].checked==true)
switchaction([i], i)
document.getElementById("hiddenquery").value="site:"+domainroot+" "+curobj.qfront.value

Notes : change orange code ( with your twitter username.

Thats it, happy blogging. If you have question about Sporty Magazine 2 Templates, please leave your comment below or contact me via email on mail [at] Original post: Here.
Copyright 2009 Gratis Templates. Powered by Blogger Blogger Templates create by Deluxe Templates. WP by Masterplan